How to get medical bills paid after a dog attack.
A dog attack is sudden, unexpected and potentially life changing. It gets worse when the ambulance, ER, and other medical professionals start sending you bills. A dog attack will cause…
A dog attack is sudden, unexpected and potentially life changing. It gets worse when the ambulance, ER, and other medical professionals start sending you bills. A dog attack will cause…
Sometimes, clients ask why do lawyers take so long to handle their case. There are usually a couple reasons why personal injury cases take so long. It takes time to…
A lot of people ask about what to do if injured on an airplane. The law is complex but one thing you should know is that for certain international flights…
I recently resolved a wrongful death elder abuse case. My clients were the children of a patient at a skilled nursing facility. The patient had a major drop in her…
I recently resolved a neglect elder abuse case in which a skilled nursing facility failed to check on an elderly patient. Does the failure to check on a patient become…
Smart, successful business people can make bad choices on routine business decisions that expose them to massive financial loss from a personal injury lawsuit. As an attorney for injured people,…
An insurance company is not supposed to raise your rate or premium solely because you made an insurance claim regarding a crash that is not your fault. Of course, the…
You've been hurt by a dog and hired a lawyer. Now your deposition is coming up. Hopefully your attorney has prepared you and told you what to expect in a…
Call the police. Immediately call them and give them as much information as you can. They might be able to track down the driver. Make sure to tell the police…
Clients often ask me what are common dog bite settlement amounts or how much will I get in my dog bite case. They want to know how they will will…