Privacy Policy

Howell LLP is a professional organization based in California. References in this policy to “we”, “us”, “our”, or “Howell Firm” are references to Howell LLP.

Howell LLP is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This policy sets out the basis on which we collect and process your personal data. Any updates to this policy will appear on this page. Reference in this policy to “personal data” means any information that identifies, or could reasonably be used to identify, a living individual, either on its own or together with other information.

Please read this policy carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data.

How we obtain your personal data

When you visit our site, we may ask you for personal information such as your name and e-mail address. In addition, our site collects your IP address when you submit through our Contact form. Submission of personal data to us through this site will constitute your consent for our storage and use of such data, as outlined in this policy, and we may hold your personal data if we have received it directly from you. Therefore, if you use this site to fill in a form or to request details about an event, then you are providing your personal data to Howell LLP. Similarly, if you correspond with Howell LLP(whether in writing or orally), we may retain the personal data that you provide in your correspondence.

As a law firm, we regularly receive information as part of our professional activities. This information comes from both our clients and from the third parties with whom we or our clients have dealings. Some of this information might be your personal data.

How we use and share your personal data

Whether we receive your personal data directly from you or from a third-party source, we will only use your personal data in connection with our ordinary professional activities as lawyers (including the fulfillment of our legal or regulatory obligations). Where you have provided your personal data to us directly, we may use your personal data for the purpose for which it was provided (which will include, unless you expressly so prohibit or it is prohibited by law, marketing our services to you).

Irrespective of how we obtain your personal data, it may be shared by all the employees within Howell LLP. We may also need to transfer this data to third parties. Where we share or transfer your personal data, we will do this in accordance with applicable data protection laws. By providing your personal data to Howell LLP, you are expressly notified of the transfer of your personal data to, and the collection and processing of such personal data in, the United States and other countries or jurisdictions where we or our vendors operate and you acknowledge that the level of protection afforded to your personal data in those jurisdictions may be less than that which would apply in your own country or jurisdiction.

We do not sell or rent personal information to others. We use your information only for the limited purposes described above.

We will endeavor to take appropriate technical and organizational measures against unauthorized or unlawful processing of your personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, your personal data.

Your Rights

In addition to your rights under applicable data protection legislation and where we are permitted or required by applicable law and regulation and by our professional obligations, we will provide you, upon request, with a copy of any of your personal data that we have retained, if any, and we will correct any errors identified by you. We will also comply with your request to stop sending you marketing material and will refrain from doing so without your express consent in jurisdictions which so require. If a breach or unauthorized access of personal data takes place that is likely to result in a risk for the rights and freedoms of your personal data, we will use your retained personal data to notify you within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach. Finally, we will comply with your request to withdraw your consent. All such requests, or any questions or comments regarding this policy, should be addressed through our contact form.