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Uber and Lyft Drivers: Staying Safe and Legal on the Road

Driving for Uber and Lyft has its unique challenges, but many drivers are willing and ready to accept them because of the job’s flexibility and independence. If you are either considering doing this as a job or already doing it, we want to outline some key points that every rideshare driver should know. Understanding the following will help protect you from legal troubles while ensuring your safety and financial success.

Video Evidence is Invaluable for Uber and Lyft Drivers

First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand the importance of in-car cameras. Many drivers install dash cams for their safety and to monitor passenger behavior. But, what happens when a police officer pulls you over? Can you record this interaction? The answer is an unequivocal yes. These cameras are usually mounted and run continuously, capturing valuable evidence in various situations, such as traffic stops or accidents. It’s a good practice to inform the officer about the camera as a courtesy, though they cannot force you to stop recording unless it interferes with their investigation (which is unlikely).

Another aspect to consider is the use of your phone to record interactions. While legally permissible, it’s advised to be cautious. Directly recording an officer with your phone may escalate an already tense situation. Always keep your hands visible and communicate clearly with the officer to avoid misunderstandings.

Have a Plan in the Event of an Accident

In the event of an accident, what steps should you take? Many people don’t think about what to do until they are in this position. It only adds to the confusion and stress of the moment if you’re unprepared.

First, ensure your safety and that of your passengers. Pull over to a secure location if you’re involved in a minor accident and can safely move your car. Call the police to report the incident if that hasn’t already been done. This is especially critical if there are injuries or significant property damage. When speaking to law enforcement, merely inform them of the situation and any injuries without going into any extensive detail about fault. Avoid unnecessary details that might complicate your case. Remember, everything you say can be included in the police report and used in subsequent legal proceedings.

If you find yourself accused of a traffic violation or any offense, remember you have the right to remain silent. Inform the officer that you wish to speak with your attorney before making any statements. Again, anything you say can impact your case significantly. In the heat of the moment, people often inadvertently say things that can be misinterpreted or used against them – especially if they’re convinced another driver is at fault.

Prioritize Safety for Uber and Lyft Drivers

As a rideshare driver including Uber and Lyft Drivers, you also have rights and responsibilities in case of altercations with passengers. If a situation escalates, prioritize your safety. If necessary, end the ride and exit the situation. In any case of assault or harassment, report the incident to both the police and the rideshare company.

Remember, maintaining a clean driving record and adhering to traffic laws are not just about avoiding tickets or fines; they are about ensuring your safety and the safety of your passengers. Staying informed and prepared for any situation on the road is vital to a successful and stress-free experience as a rideshare driver.

Contact Howell, LLP

You are not alone if you’re an Uber or Lyft driver facing legal issues or have been involved in an accident. We’re here to help. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your case and explore your options. Our team is dedicated to assisting you in understanding your rights and guiding you through the legal process. Let us help you return to the road with confidence and peace of mind.